Lander Van den Bulcke
Achieving fully hands-off deployment of an Icinga 2 cluster using Puppet

CfgMgmtCampFebruary 3rd, 2020

Starting point

  • Single Icinga 1.x server
  • Puppet 3
  • Exported resources all the things

Starting point

  • 500+ hosts
  • 10 000+ services
  • 20+ environments

Things are sloooow


Let's upgrade

  • This Icinga 2 thing looks pretty cool
    • Native clustering
    • Automatic loadbalancing of checks
    • Master-satellite topology
    • Apply rules (yay!)
  • Very nice upstream puppet modules provided
    • No support for Puppet 3 though
    • Aint that a good reason to upgrade...

Master setup

  • Lets try and get our masters set up
  • Icinga wants to know about all the endpoints it needs to connect to in its configuration
  • Could put it all in hiera?
  • That's not really automagic though...

PuppetDB to the rescue!

class profile_icinga2 (
  Boolean          $server      = false, 
  Optional[String] $parent_zone = undef,
  String           $zone        = $::fqdn
) {
  if $server {
    if $zone == 'master' {
      include ::profile_icinga2::master
    } else {
      include ::profile_icinga2::satellite
  else {
    include ::profile_icinga2::agent

PuppetDB to the rescue!

# Get all master endpoints
$this_endpoint = {
  $::fqdn => {
    'host' => $::ipaddress,

$master_endpoints_results = puppetdb_query("facts[certname, value] { certname in resources[certname] 
    { type = \"Class\" and title = \"Profile_icinga2::Master\" and !(certname = \"${::fqdn}\") } 
    and name = \"ipaddress\" }")

$master_endpoints = $this_endpoint + $master_endpoints_results.reduce({}) | Hash $memo, Hash $endpoint | {
  $memo + {
    $endpoint['certname'] => {
      'host' => $endpoint['value'],

Likewise for the satellites

$sat_endpoints_results = puppetdb_query('facts[certname, value] { certname in resources[certname] 
    { type = "Class" and title = "Profile_icinga2::Satellite" } and name = "ipaddress" }')

$sat_endpoints = $sat_endpoints_results.reduce({}) | Hash $memo, Hash $endpoint | {
  $memo + {
    $endpoint['certname'] => {
      'host' => $endpoint['value'],

$endpoints = $master_endpoints + $sat_endpoints

Icinga also wants to know about the zones

$master_zone = {
  'master' => {
    'endpoints' => keys($master_endpoints),

$zones_results = puppetdb_query('resources { type = "Class" and title = "Profile_icinga2::Satellite" }')

Icinga also wants to know about the zones

$zones = $master_zone + $zones_results.reduce({}) | Hash $memo, Hash $current | {
  if has_key($memo, $current['parameters']['zone']) {
    $memo + {
      $current['parameters']['zone'] => {
        'endpoints' => concat($memo[$current['parameters']['zone']]['endpoints'], $current['certname']),
        'parent'    => 'master',
  } else {
    $memo + {
      $current['parameters']['zone'] => {
        'endpoints' => [ $current['certname'] ],
        'parent'    => 'master',

Just need to apply it now

class { 'icinga2::feature::api':
  accept_commands => true,
  accept_config   => $_accept_config,
  endpoints       => $endpoints,
  pki             => 'puppet',
  zones           => $zones,

What about the satellite configuration?

# Get other endpoints in zone
$zone_endpoints_results = puppetdb_query("resources[certname] { type = \"Class\" and 
    title = \"Profile_icinga2\" and = \"${zone}\" and 
    parameters.server = true and !(certname = \"${::fqdn}\") } ")

$zone_endpoints = concat($ | $result | { $result['certname'] }, $::fqdn)

# Get master endpoints
$master_endpoints_results = puppetdb_query('resources[certname] { type = "Class" and 
    title = "Profile_icinga2" and = "master" and parameters.server = true}')

$master_endpoints = $ | $result | { $result['certname'] }

What about the satellite configuration?

$zones = {
  $zone    => {
    'endpoints' => $zone_endpoints,
    'parent'    => 'master',
  'master' => {
    'endpoints' => $master_endpoints,

What about the satellite configuration?

$zone_endpoints_hash = $zone_endpoints.reduce({}) | Hash $memo, String $endpoint | {
  $memo + {
    $endpoint => {},

$master_endpoints_hash = $master_endpoints.reduce({}) | Hash $memo, String $endpoint | {
  $ip = puppetdb_query("facts[value] { certname = \"${endpoint}\" and name = \"ipaddress\" }")[0]['value']
  $memo + {
    $endpoint => {
      'host' => $ip,

$endpoints = $zone_endpoints_hash + $master_endpoints_hash

And ofcourse the agents also need configuration

# Get all endpoints in parent zone
$parent_endpoints_results = puppetdb_query("facts[certname, value] { certname in resources[certname] 
    { type = \"Class\" and title = \"Profile_icinga2\" and = \"${parent_zone}\" } 
    and name = \"ipaddress\" }")

$parent_endpoints = $parent_endpoints_results.reduce({}) | Hash $memo, Hash $endpoint | {
  $memo + {
    $endpoint['certname'] => {
      'host' => $endpoint['value'],

And ofcourse the agents also need configuration

$endpoints = {
  'NodeName' =>  {},
} + $parent_endpoints

$zones = {
  $::fqdn      => {
    'endpoints' => [ $::fqdn ],
    'parent'    => $parent_zone,
  $parent_zone => {
    'endpoints' => keys($parent_endpoints)

Adding a host

@@::icinga2::object::endpoint { $::fqdn:
  host   => $::ipaddress,
  target => "/etc/icinga2/zones.d/${parent_zone}/${::hostname}.conf",

@@::icinga2::object::zone { "agent ${::fqdn}":
  zone_name => $::fqdn,
  endpoints => [$::fqdn],
  parent    => $parent_zone,
  target    => "/etc/icinga2/zones.d/${parent_zone}/${::hostname}.conf",

@@::icinga2::object::host { $::fqdn:
  address      => $::ipaddress,
  display_name => $::fqdn,
  import       => [ 'generic-host' ],
  target       => "/etc/icinga2/zones.d/${parent_zone}/${::hostname}.conf",

Adding a service

  • Could apply the same strategy and export services from each node
    • Results in a whole lot of exported resources though
  • Alternative: apply rules!
    • Define variables in the host definition
    • Define each service once
    • Apply the service defintion to each host with matching vars

Apply rules: example

::icinga2::object::service { 'load':
  import           => ['generic-service'],
  display_name     => 'Load',
  apply            => true,
  check_command    => 'load',
  check_period     => 'host.vars.load.check_period',
  command_endpoint => '',
  vars             => {
    load_wload1           => 'host.vars.load.load1_warning',
    load_wload5           => 'host.vars.load.load5_warning',
    load_wload15          => 'host.vars.load.load15_warning',
    load_cload1           => 'host.vars.load.load1_critical',
    load_cload5           => 'host.vars.load.load5_critical',
    load_cload15          => 'host.vars.load.load15_critical',
    notifications_enabled => 'host.vars.load.notifications_enabled',
  assign           => ['host.vars.load'],
  target           => '/etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/services.conf',

Houston, we have a problem

  • We need to specify the vars in the host definition
    • Wich means in a single hash, in a single place
    • We kinda want to define or services together with the things thay are checking though
  • Solution: (beware, very dirty)
    • Write the vars to a multi-document yaml file using puppetlabs/concat
    • Use a custom fact to read in the yaml file and merge the hashes

Dirty hacking...

define profile_icinga2::varsfragment (
  String $custom_name = $title,
  Hash   $vars        = undef,
) {
  ensure_resource('concat::fragment', "icinga2_vars_${custom_name}", {
    target  => '/etc/icinga2_vars.yaml',
    content => to_yaml($vars)

Dirty hacking...

require 'yaml'

Facter.add(:icinga2_vars) do
  setcode do
    if File.exist? '/etc/icinga2_vars.yaml'
      vars = {}
      YAML.load_stream('/etc/icinga2_vars.yaml')) do |document|
        vars = deep_merge(vars, document)

Dirty hacking

@@::icinga2::object::host { $::fqdn:
  address      => $::ipaddress,
  display_name => $::fqdn,
  vars         => $::icinga2_vars
  import       => [ 'generic-host' ],
  target       => "/etc/icinga2/zones.d/${parent_zone}/${::hostname}.conf",


  • Pro:
    • No need to export any services!
  • Con:
    • Current approach to merging the var hashes is pretty messy
    • Need 2 runs for the fact to update

Mitigating the cons

  • Working on a small puppet module: hashcat
  • Basically concat but for hashes:
    • No need to write files to disk
    • No need to wait for a fact in the next run; just use custom function
  • Not finished, still buggy



Adding a new master node


profile_icinga2::server: true
profile_icinga2::zone: 'master'

Adding a new satellite node


profile_icinga2::server: true
profile_icinga2::zone: 'whatever'
profile_icinga2::parent_zone: 'master'

Adding a new agent node


profile_icinga2::parent_zone: 'whatever'


  • Specify the parent_zone in a common hiera file
    • No config needed for an agent, it will just join the cluster
  • Provisioning a new master/satellite
    • Will automatically join the cluster
    • Will automatically reconfigure other servers in current and parent zone
    • Automatic loadbalancing and failover with servers in the same zone
Lander Van den Bulcke
Essensteenweg 31
2930 Brasschaat
